
– £85

Vaccine Description

The rabies vaccine is recommended for patients of any age, visiting areas of rabies risk. Most international travellers to areas where the risk of contracting rabies is common are considered to be at infrequent risk but may require preexposure rabies vaccine if they are unable to access rabies vaccine, immunoglobulin and medical care easily at their destination, undertaking activities considered at higher risk of exposure e.g. cycling and running, or at risk for more than one month. The vaccine is administered as an intramuscular injection in the deltoid region. The course consists of three vaccines. The second dose is given seven days after the first dose. The third dose should be given three weeks after the second dose. If you’re travelling at short notice, you may be able to have the third dose two weeks after the second. When you arrive at the pharmacy you will be required to fill in a consent form with a short questionnaire to see if you fit the inclusion criteria for the vaccine. The form can be downloaded to view and fill in before your appointment.

Further Information

Side effects: The vaccine may lead to mild side effects like rash, fever, nausea, or muscle aches.

Additional precautions: Avoid animal contact abroad. If bitten or scratched, wash the wound and seek immediate medical help.

Risks caused by rabies: Rabies is typically fatal with no known cure.

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